Obstacle Running

So I did some parkour today, first time I've actually partook in a full 30 minute city session. This obstacle running based workout comes natural to me on a trail far away from paved and urbanized surfaces, however I was impressed with this new way (to me) of seeing and leveraging an urban area. Utilizing the greenway as a warmup and first set of obstacles up and down stairs, over benches, up and down the dike several times (until feel like puking or passing out, and then one more;)..off to the parking garages up and down the ramps hoping over railings in stride, on to sidewalks with planters and large cement walls to finish with a skip back to the bikes!

I'm not actually sure how much time passed, 20-30 minutes I suppose..enough time to jog a few miles, hit several high intensity intervals, and explore downtown Grand Forks. Turned out to be a great cross training outing with friends.


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